Using App Center to send out Push Notification in Multiple Languages

Shems Eddine
3 min readJan 19, 2020

Out of the box, App Center’s Push Notifications functionality provides a lot for you to get started with.

App Center is a Microsoft solution that lets you manage your end to end build/distribution and management of your mobile applications.

I have recently moved to using App Center to manage my applications. App Center lets me manage both the iOS and Android apps in one place.

The feature I want to speak about today is the Push Notifications.

My application, Jdiwi is a shopping solution for the Algerian people. In Algeria, the population speaks many languages and I have already gone through the trouble of translating my application into the 3 main languages used in Algeria; French, Arabic and English.

When it comes to my communications with the users, I have to take that into account.

After getting Push Notifications integrated into my application, it’s straight forward from there.

Push Notifications has the functionality of building an audience from your registered devices.

Push Notifications will also give you a breakdown of your target devices and how what the percentage of the devices are registered for that language. There are a few other filters you can add. Like device model, carrier, country etc. We’ve only used the language filter for our case.

A country filter would be very useful if you have a worldwide app and you had certain promotions you were doing in a subset of these.

Once you’re done with setting your audience, now it’s time to start creating campaigns to send out push notifications to your users.

One of the options for selecting your audience to send you notifications to, is audience. And that is what we are going to use. This is a very handy way to send out multiple promotions to different audiences.

Some of your notifications may be dropped. If the users have uninstalled your app or have deactivated push notifications. Push Notifications will tell you so when you view your campaign.

App Center’s Push Notifications also has an API that you can utilise. We are looking at using this on the backend to be able to notify users about new promotions that have been added to the application.



Shems Eddine

Azure Cloud Platform Expert | NodeJS & .NET Senior Consultant | Startup CTO in City of London